Designing Heating and Cooling Systems in Large Buildings
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Designing Heating and Cooling Systems in Large Buildings

Have you ever wondered what goes into a heating or air conditioning system for a large office building or another large building like a mall or a school? My name is Evelyn, and I am an HVAC architect. I design heating and air conditioning systems for large, corporate buildings. Making sure that a large building with many rooms or offices is efficiently heated and cooled is a very large job and is much more complicated than simply heating or cooling a home. This blog will educate the reader on how heating and cooling jobs this large are designed and completed.


Designing Heating and Cooling Systems in Large Buildings

  • Signs Of Clogged AC Lines

    29 August 2018

    The AC condensate lines are meant to transport the moisture condensed by the AC during its operations so that it can be properly drained. Clogging in the AC lines is not good for your system. You should suspect clogged AC lines in the following scenarios. The Drain Pan Is Full An AC must produce some water, even if it is operating as usual. The main source of water is the moisture the AC pulls out of the air since this is another way in which the AC cools your house.

  • 3 Tips For Your Home HVAC Equipment

    29 July 2018

    If you need to get great service out of your home's thermal care, it's important that you reach out to some HVAC pros in your area. By touching base with heating and cooling contractors near you, you will have the opportunity to get an HVAC equipment installation, in addition to getting repairs and maintenance when you need it. If this is something that you are looking for, consider the strategies below and reach out to some contractors that can help you out.

  • Four Places In America Where Furnace Repair In Summer Is The Hot Thing To Do

    22 June 2018

    It is summer. The sun is bright, the days are hot, or at the very least, warm. The furthest thing from your mind is furnace repair services. However, there are actually some parts of the country where furnace repair is a big deal right now. Here are four locations, and why furnace repair in these areas is the hot thing to do in the middle of the hot season. Northern Shores of the Great Lakes

  • What To Expect When You Have Your Air Conditioner Replaced

    16 May 2018

    There will come a time when your air conditioner fails. At that point -- or maybe even before -- you will need to have it replaced. This can be a somewhat scary and unnerving process if you've never had a major HVAC appliance replaced before. Here's a look at what you can expect. Your HVAC contractors will recommend several AC models Some homeowners are under the impression that they need to shop around for an air conditioner, compare 100 different models, and know which one they want when the contractor arrives.

  • A Guide To AC Compressors

    3 April 2018

    There are so many vital elements that make up a central air conditioning system, that it can often be hard to figure out what to fix if you are having problems. Diagnosing problems can often the hardest part of HVAC repair, even for licensed pros. For instance, if you are having reduced airflow, there could be quite a few explanations for it. Of course, while there are some DIY job that homeowners can do to check, and possibly repair, airflow issues, most problems need to be handled by professionals.